Amazon Dotted Dress
*Warning: Long life update below — skip to the bottom if you just want the dress deets. 🙂
Hi friends! So… it’s been a minute! You all know I go through ‘rough patches’ with work and life in general and that’s when my blog suffers. This was the case the past couple weeks when I worked 7 out of 9 days and my 2 days offs weren’t back to back so no rest for the weary! We are in the middle of travel season down in Florida also, so things are so so busy. Tensions have been high from Covid and politics and just people being people lol. Anyway, I survived all that….. and then…. bad news. Ugh.
A couple of days ago my husband (who is also a pharmacist) found out his pharmacy branch is closing in March. The next closest hub is in Tampa, FL which is 1.5 hours north of us. They have a job for him and truly want to keep him…. but. What? Lol. I have felt so panicky the last 2 days. We have some huge decisions to make. The problem is I can’t just up and transfer from my job if there are no openings. And then there is this little problem called selling our house and finding somewhere else to live. It’s just a mess.
We decided to start looking at houses halfway in between Tampa and where we currently live. That would make each of our commutes approx. 1 hour. Not optimal. But eventually I should be able to find a new job or transfer internally. My husband already commutes 45 minutes, so an hour didn’t strike him as horrible. I’m not sold it’s the right answer, but I figured we start there. If I get the ‘go’ that I can transfer internally for my job then we will look for houses in the Tampa area. I figure we can’t just sit around and wait for the news to come to us, so we might as well start looking at homes! My husband will likely end up having to make this 1.5 hour commute for awhile anyway, unless we rent for a few months, because between selling our current home and buying/building a new home takes time (even though I hear the market is ‘hot’ right now). Argh!
So anyway, I’ll save you more nitty gritty details, but that’s where we are in life right now! And because of that… my blog has taken the backseat for a bit. I might try to go back to a ‘one item, one post’ model (like today’s post) where I just share whatever I’m wearing that day… a new find… etc. Since those posts are easier compared to a big roundup or huge try-on session.
And with all that… let’s get onto to this dress! We’ve finally warmed up a tiny bit in Florida to low to mid 70s (woo hoo!) so out comes the dresses and jean jackets for this gal! My dress is an Amazon find – I have the same dress from last year in the black/white gingham and absolutely adore it – when the same brand released this polka dot version, I ordered right away!

Go with your regular t-shirt size – I’m wearing a size small. The fit is perfect. And it has pockets! I love that it has a little length also. Feels more classy. Keep in mind I’m only 5’2″ though, so taller ladies it will fit you more toward the knee. There are also 2 other color options available – a black and white version.

You can kind of see in the photo above also – the dress has pockets! Doesn’t that make all the difference!? 🙂 I highly recommend this dress!

dress | denim jacket | necklace | sandals | bracelet
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!