a new day collared split neck pullover sweater

On Trend: The Polo Sweater

Well hi friends! It’s been another minute since I’ve posted – honestly for a little while stores weren’t releasing much, and then boom – so many new finds! However, then my new job started on Sept 13th, and it took me a little while to find my ‘groove’ so to speak. First of all, it’s going very well! I honestly love the work from home life! Right now we are in a ‘team conference’ for training for 8 hours out of the day (not to mention I get not one, but two breaks and a lunch!…. is this real life?!) and I think since we are on video and interacting with one another, I’ve been a little tired at the end of the day.

I’ve also been committing to waking up at 5 am in the mornings to work out, but then I was missing out on walking the dogs in the morning (my husband took over dog duty), and quite frankly I missed it! So I still get up at 5 am, but instead take the dogs on a long walk. Thankfully our new neighborhood is well lit. I was worried about the safety issue since we are in North Tampa now (not as safe as Venice) and we are no longer in a gated community. But we have a ton of families here, and between kids leaving for school and parents going to work, I actually feel safer! It’s quite busy at 6 am!

So then I moved my workout schedule to 5 pm, but ehhhh I am not a workout person in the afternoon. I tried that 3 days in a row and felt like crap and really had to convince myself to workout in the first place! So starting next week I’m going to push my wake up time to 4:30 am so I can workout, walk the dogs, and get my day started! That’s what successful people do, right? Lol. We will see. Cue the caffeine. I’m honestly worried about gaining weight since I sit all day now (I already put on a few pounds since we’ve moved – I think from stress – so now that stress isn’t an issue, I need to put my body to work 🙂 ). Anyway – that’s my life update!

Since I’ve found my groove again, I want to figure out a way to be able to share on my blog and social media, while also tackling the new job. I think for now I’m going to share my flatlays here as much as I can, and try to do an #OOTD type round up once a week, and other blog type posts filtered in. So… here we go!

So, fall trends. There are quite a few this year! Some I love, some I hate, and some I’m kind of on the fence about. One trend I’m on the fence about are the combat boots and lug boots. I literally will add a pair to my cart, remove it, add it, remove it – haha! Since Florida won’t see true bootie weather until November, I have some time to think about it I suppose. We will see.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, see the 2 options below – these are the 2 boots I’ve had on my wish list (or delete and re-add) for the last month! Would love to hear your opinion! Click on either picture to shop these booties yourself.

Up next, a fall trend I can get behind! The polo sweater. The poly henley. You name it! Just not a traditional polo. 🙂 Ha! Another 90s trend that has made a big comeback, but slap 2021 on it! And there you have the polo sweater.

My sweater below is a hot ticket item! This is a Target find that sold out the second it was released! I had to wait for it to come back in stock and now it’s selling out again. Fit is TTS. It’s so so soft! And typical Target pricing only $28. However, I rounded up all of my favorite henley type sweaters/tops below that are available. Style it however you please – jeans, sweats, skirts, you name it!

a new day collared split neck pullover sweater


jeans and booties are old – this color pairs great with a lighter grey jean and taupe booties!

Below are my favorite polo sweater/henley options available right now! And after completing my search, I think I have the grey LOFT version on my wish list! I love the idea of wearing that sweater with black leggings and sneakers – perfect weekend outfit!….. or WFH outfit. 🙂 <click images below to shop items>

Have a great weekend!